Most Recent Articles
Authentic ZPM Prop Replica
Sep. 8 in ZPMThe first screen accurate replica of the Zero Point Module from Stargate SG1 and Atlantis. Identical to the original prop, and beautifully lit with vibrant LEDs.
P90 Laser Sight
Jul. 15 in P90Because sometimes you just can't hit a moving Jaffa unless you mount a laser sight onto your P90. Equip yourself with the same exact model laser used on Stargate SG1, and not only will you be... READ MORE
Overview of the Ribbon Device Prop
Apr. 24 in Ribbon DeviceThe Goa'uld Ribbon Device, or Kara Kesh in Goa'uld, is one of the most recognizable props from Stargate SG-1. This comprehensive article studies each of the original studio props, and... READ MORE
How To Recharge Your G.D.O.
Apr. 22 in GDOCharging your screen accurate G.D.O. prop replica has never been easier thanks to an internal lithium battery, and handy USB port. Now you can keep your G.D.O. working at all times, and never have to... READ MORE
Latest Blog Posts

Gatecon '22
Sep. 8 by SG MercGatecon 2022 just wrapped up, and I am pleased to have been there as an attendee, special guest, and working photograher. Yes, it was a BUSY weekend. The highlight for me was revealing the ZPM prop... READ MORE

Forum Upgrades
Apr. 4 by SG MercI just finished some major improvements to the Official SG1Props Discussion Forum. I’m pleased to say that we now have the fastest and most mobile device friendly Stargate discussion forum on the... READ MORE

New Workshop
May. 4 by SG MercWe have been hard at work building our new prop shop! Yes, after 10 years SG1Props has outgrown our 3rd space! We are just about finished remodeling the workshop, and will have lots of new workspaces... READ MORE