One of the things that makes Stargate such an interesting franchise is the diverse props. While many of the Earth based props were intended to reflect modern technology, the props used by alien races pushed the boundaries of what is typically seen in a science fiction show set in the modern day. Stargate props are a blend of modern science, ancient history and creatively alien.
Prop Categories
Prop Articles
Sculpting the Kull Killer
From the episode Death Knell comes the Tok'ra Kull Warrior disruptor. Although SG1Props never released this sculpt, we are writing about it so that you can see how we set out to reproduce this... READ MORE
CYMA CM.023 Airsoft MP5A5
With many low cost airsoft MP5s to choose from, a good candidate for a Stargate replica should include a specific configuration. The CYMA CM.023 airsoft gun meets these base requirements, and is an... READ MORE
MP5 Scope
The MP5 was the weapon of choice for the first 3 full seasons of Stargate SG-1, along with parts of season 4 and subsequent appearances. If you want to build a replica MP5 for your costume then you... READ MORE
MP5 Scope Modification Guide
On the show Stargate SG-1, MP5's are issued to offworld personnel with an assortment of tactical accessories. Most distinguishable is the AR-15 carry handle scope. This scope was designed to be... READ MORE
Build a Functioning P90 Replica
Many people have asked how to use the SG1Props P90 upper receiver replacement kit, but keep their LPEG P90 as a working airsoft gun. In the past this has been difficult to do, but with the latest... READ MORE
Add P90 Trademarks to your LPEG P90
You may wish to include custom P90 trademarks on your replica P90 to make it appear more authentic. The trademarks attach to the airsoft shell (the lower receiver).
Modify your LPEG P90 to use Tokyo Marui magazines
This tutorial will instruct you on how to modify the LPEG P90 so that it will accept Tokyo Marui magazines. You may follow this tutorial at any stage in your P90 modification. Thus you can do this if... READ MORE
Modding the LPEG P90 (Part 3)
Now that your donor LPEG P90 airsoft gun has been prepared for upgrade, it is time to install your new SG1Props receiver, and finish your Stargate SG-1 (or Atlantis!) prop.
Airsoft P90 Replicas
Build your own replica P90 from Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis. The SG1Props P90 kit includes everything you need to convert a low-end tri-rail P90 airsoft gun into the screen accurate P90... READ MORE
Modding the LPEG P90 (Part 2)
Converting your low end P90 into a screen accurate Stargate prop can be done with some modifications and the SG1Props P90 kit. This tutorial will cover the steps necessary to complete the... READ MORE