Stargate Props and Costumes

Welcome to the Internet's largest community dedicated to the props and costumes of Stargate.

At times Stargate is interrupted by other shows and movies. Talk about them, and their props/costumes here.
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By SG Merc
Working my way through ST:Picard season 2. So far very little resembelence to Star Trek. Feels more like Paramount was trying to imitate Star Wars. BUT Nerdrotic says that season 3 is good, so I'm powering through.

Spot 73 is hilarious though. That's been a bright spot.

HB Studios and 2K Games have launched a free demo […]

The Vineland Public Library is looking for Stargat[…]

The Vineland Public Library is having it's 4th ann[…]

The Vineland Public Library is having it's 4th ann[…]