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By SG Merc
As announced in the SG1Props email newsletter set to members on Sunday, I am in the process of sculpting a Goa'uld Ribbon Device.

So far I have put about 70 hours into the project, and have sculpted 12 separate pieces. In total, the prop will consist of 19 individual resin and metal pieces. And, of course, the main crystal will light up! My goal has always been to make this into the most super accurate replica possible. I have put details into the pieces that I have never seen reproduced in other fan-made versions of this prop ... so I am very pleased with the progress.

More photos will come as I finish the remaining two sculpts. Then I will begin the mold-making process!

Enjoy ...




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By SG Merc
The only remaining part to sculpt is the center palm crystal, and it is coming along well.

Updated photos in the next few days!
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By SG Merc
Here are some updated photos

I have roughed out the center crystal, and just need to sculpt out the details now. The arm band still needs the Jaffa lines scribed into it, but the form is complete.

Hoping to get this finished up and a resin copy made soon 8)
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By Tk-Devo
[quote="kwalsh000"]Very nice work, cant wait to see this finished. Good to see more people tackling SG props[/quote]

Agreed! More people need to tackle big SG props!
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By SG Merc
SG1Niner wrote:Any new pix to post???
Sadly there hasn't been any significant progress. I had to fix a mistake I made, and have smoothed out the armband. The next step is to inscribe the Jaffa lines on the armband.

Hopefully I can get that done this week, but we will see. I'm looking forward to getting it all finished up so I can start my next sculpt!
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By SG Merc
It's not done yet, but I made progress today. I have inscribed the Jaffa lines, and just need to finesse them a bit.

I plan to start making molds next week, and will post photos as I go.

I will have to experiment with the center crystal to make it look correct. I might need to buy/setup a vacuum chamber, but if I don't then things will be sped up a bit.
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By SG Merc
Hirogen wrote:If you decide to make another to sell let me know, I have always wanted one of these!
As a matter of fact I do plan to make a few 8)

I have finished up the main part of the prop--the arm band. Check it out, and stay tuned for an update about the center crystal next week!

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By Goa'uld7
Looks really great, best i've ever seen.

I'd also be intrested in buying one b/c i've been looking but no one sells them.
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By SG Merc
To update this project: I have finished sculpting the center hand crystal, so all sculpting is done! Also, molds for the arm band, center crystal, upper hand crystal, and upper hand crystal holder have been made.

For the finger caps: I only just discovered that the silicone rubber I'm using isn't compatible with the thickener, so I've had to order new rubber from Smooth-On. The thickener is something I'm going to be adding to the liquid rubber so that I can brush it onto the finger caps in order to make thin molds. I should have that by Wednesday, and have all 10 molds for the finger caps plus knuckle rings started. Once the rubber molds are done I will make plaster mother molds for them.

But, for now, enjoy some new photos of the finished sculpt, and mold-making process in the SG1Props Ribbon Device Gallery


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By SG1Niner
I know I do! But then I'd want a Ba'al outfit...with a recording of Jack repeating over and over..."Ball?? As in Bocci?!"

By kwalsh000
You can put me down for a definate yes!

Some amazing work there and great to be able to see it from start to finish.

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