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By Beachbead
I'm looking for a place to make custom made dog tags for my OC.
does anyone know a place where they make them for a cheap like price, I've looked
on the net but I'm worryed I'll choose one that will make them look like crap or rip me off.
By Canuckinator
If you are concerned about dealing with an online supplier you could always try a local army surplus store (consult your phonebook or yellowpages). Most surplus stores sell dog tags and the majority that do so often offer an engraving service.
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By Beachbead
The closest one to me is about two hours away.

so if anyone knows a place online that is good please post away, thank you.
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By SG Merc
There are a lot of websites that offer them. If you search Google or another search engine for dog tags quite a few companies come up. Prices are around $6.99.

I haven't used any of them so can't offer advice. The only company that I can officially recommend is They sell them for $13.99 (which is about double what some other online stores sell them for) but they are a top notch company and offer great products.
By shifty
i got a set from this place, Elite Dog Tags and Military, i found them on ebay, cost me like 5 bucks US with free stamping..they look pretty good..least to me they
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By Beachbead
I may have to go on ebay to get mine, I found a place in walmart that makes dog tags of all kinds but it's out of order.
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By SG Merc
eBay would be a good bet. You can always read the feeback of the seller to make sure that they are good quality. You should be able to get them for under $10.

Make sure you get black silencers for them as well. These are black rubber rings which go around the outside of the tags and prevent them from making noise when they move. They are used on Stargate. Shouldn't cost any more than $1 or $2 extra.
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By Beachbead
I found a place on ebay that is selling Dog tags for $3.99 with the rubber rings around them and free shipping.
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By SG Merc
That's a mighty fine deal. Let us know what you think of them when you buy them, and if you recommend the seller to other members.
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By Beachbead
well since that time I did email the person a question like 7 days ago and still haven't heard from them so I'm going to have to go with I know it's higher but aleast I know they will be
good ones.
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By Beachbead
I did look up the store on the website, but I thought going there in real life would be a blast, sadly it wasn't, i found out there store was an hour away from where I lived so
I went there this morning after they opened, I asked for the green cap, the lady told me they didn't have it, then i asked for if they had any Vests, nope we don't have them eather, well
what about velcro for patches nope we don't have thoses eather, well what about dog tags, we do, do you want them blank so you can get someone else to do them. no I would like for them to have my name on them, well it will take until 5pm then you can pick them up, well I'm not going to stay around that long how about shipping them to my home, that will cost you $10 dollars to ship them.
so I ended up buying the cap on ebay for $8.99 free shipping. and the dogs tags from the same person I linked to $4.99 free shipping.
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By SG Merc
Thanks for sharing your findings.

From my experience with visiting police/military uniform stores, they often have very limited inventories. They generally stock what they are going to sell locally--which ends up being mostly limited to police, EMT, and fire uniforms. I've never seen a genuinely great selection of tactical gear for sale at a retailer. Bits and pieces, yes, but not the whole kit.

Glad you found some good deals on eBay--everyone should remember that it's not just for antiques :D
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By Beachbead
Today I got my dog tags from the ebay seller, they look like a pro did them, I got the black metal with black rubber around the metal and a black chain, you can still see the
name and everything on the dog tags, if you are seeking out dog tags and don't have much money for them get it on ebay.

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