Stargate Props and Costumes

Welcome to the Internet's largest community dedicated to the props and costumes of Stargate.

Discussions about replica and original Stargate props. Show off your collection, or what you are building.
By dbrown1997
I am looking into making a sg-1/gouald airsoft team and i was wondering what is a good web site name or telll me which one you like thanks bye.
By dbrown1997
now i was thinking or should i stick with becasue the more i watch stargate atlantis (because i finished sg-1) i start to like all of the stargate series. so which one again
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By SG Merc
You could still go with sg1airsoft and include all of the shows on the website.

This very website covers SG1, SGA, and SGU yet is called SG1Props.

Use whatever is catchy and easy for folks to remember.

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